Last day in India

On the last day of my research trip in India I met a type designer, Sarang Kulkarni. Sarang is the founder of White Crow – a type foundry and design studio in Mumbai. During our conversation, he spoke at length about the hand painted type project that he had worked on with Hanif Qureshi. He shared some stories about signboard painters he had interacted with and the problems they were facing in their area of work. Sarang also talked about Aksharay — a workshop he conducts to promote typography and calligraphy among the young designers of India.

Later that evening, I was in a taxi, heading towards the Mumbai International Airport to take a flight back to Gainesville.


Over the 45 days that I stayed in India, I travelled to over half a dozen cities, interviewed around 45 people and collected heavy-enough content to make more than just one documentary film. My research trip in India was successful, and the memories will be etched in my heart forever. And it wouldn’t have been possible without the love and support of my family, friends and the numerous people whom I met at the right places at the right time.